When to Speak Up in a Meeting & When to Step Back

In many institutions, leadership enthusiasm is measured in part by our readiness to speak up in a meeting. Here are three approaches to speaking up effectively. Speaking up is one of the single most efficacious ways to increase visibility & build trust with your clients & coworkers.


Varsha Gehlot

12/14/20212 min read

Business Meetings

When to Speak Up in a Meeting & When to Step Back

How we communicate off the cuff can have a more significant mark on our career than our presentations/ speeches because every single day, we have an opportunity to make a mark.
Everyone can use meetings as a chance to move up in their professions — & bring others with them. Here are three approaches for speaking up effectively, followed by three alerts for when you should step back.
Approaches for Communicating Effectively
> Prepare bullets in advance
> Pause & breathe to build your confidence. Speaking up in a meeting takes courage. You can affect the conversation's trajectory, potentially guiding your client to say yes to a deal when your colleagues take the discussion off track. Pausing and breathing help center you and strengthen your voice so that when you speak up, you speak with the total weight of your conviction. 
> Pay attention to your body language. It shows indications to your attitude & state of mind – be conscious of the message you're communicating with your body language.
> Stick on the Topic
> Make sure you sound humble & energetic. The energy in your tone can give clues to the message you are speaking.
> Choose appropriate words in a meeting; opinions can sometimes go in your favor or do the reverse. Be cautious when choosing your words & avoid language that makes assumptions or differentiates.
> Listen when you are not speaking, make sure you practice good listening. Communication is a two-way process. Actively listening can help you to understand better & communicate.
Alerts for When to Step Back
> Do not speak to show off. Before you start, ask yourself why do you want to talk. If you are speaking up to show how much you know, it's better to let someone else speak or allow the meeting to run its natural course.
> To empower others on your team. In the meeting, let your team members speak up to build their relationships of trust with your clients. Allowing others to speak in a session is one of the most powerful ways to develop their leadership skills, raise their visibility — both internally & externally — and give the client a complete sense of support from your whole team.
> The statement would be better for a one-on-one dialogue. 
Off-topic conversations in the organization can be made by speaking personally rather than addressing the issue in a meeting where the person will feel defensive.
Speaking in a meeting is one of the single most influential ways to raise your visibility & build a connection of trust with your clients & associates. Practice it strategically every day, & you will have a powerful impact on your profession and your business. For more guidance on this Contact Us

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